Think about it: Its day break and you have to walk couple miles to bring a pale of water so you and your family can use it to make food and other important to-do’s. This is common place in most under developed countries. Most of us living in the west have little or no idea of how seriously precious this natural resource is because for us fresh water flows without any hindrance or pain.

Here is how you can reduce the amount of water you use in your home. Its surprising just how much water we waster:

  1. In the bathroom, don`t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or shaving.
  2. In the kitchen, avoid excessive running of the tap while preparing food.
  3. In the laundry room, only d a washing when there`s enough for a full load.

Repair: Don`t put off fixing leaking faucets. A leak of one drop  per second wastes 10,000 litres of water in a year. Most faucets are easy to fix with a  new washer that only costs 25 cents.

Retrofit: Many fixtures in the home, such as toilets and shower heads, can be adapted or replaced with more water efficient alternatives that use much less water.

Important Water conservation tips from Government of Canada for: Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry, Outdoor, Planting, Car Washing, Pool, Rain Barrel.

Here are some hard hitting facts:

  • 1.1 billion people: The number of people worldwide — 1 in every 6 — without access to clean water
  • 50 percent: The number of people who don’t have access to the quality of water available to the citizens of Rome 2,000 years ago
  • 1.8 million: The number of children who die every year from waterborne diseases – one every 15 seconds
  • 40 billion: The number of hours spent each year in Africa due to the need to collect and haul water
  • 5.3 billion: The number of people — two-thirds of the world’s population — who will suffer from water shortages by 2025

Photographers Rick Smolan[advisor] and Jennifer Erwitt have done a book to support the Blue Planet Run project. Blue planet is a project that intends to provide safe drinking water to billion people in need. Amazon offers this book in print as well as a free PDF in an unprecedented move to support this project. The book is a blends stunning photography, chilling revelations and most important, a call to action for us to bring change. Yes! we can bring change. There is enormous potential in a human being lets not sit at it.